Continuando la historia anterior y con ciertas condiciones debimos escribir una versión de la historia anterior.
Personajes: Mary, Kate, corpse, grave digger, doctor, John, Beth, Margaret Axe (mother-in-law).
Place: Exeter/two houses/hospital/ hospital chapel.
Time: hoy (hasta dos días después).
Clímax: escena en el hospital.
Problema: bigamia
Solución: amistosa
Tensión: realización de su situación.
Temas: rivalidad, celos, frustración, dolor, decepción, compasión, pena.
En parejas debemos repartirnos los posibles personajes y escenas.
BEGINNING: Two houses. There is a phone call / dead scene.
MIDDLE: Hospital scene. Funeral planning goes wrong.
END: Spa with bar
Personajes: Mary, Kate, corpse, grave digger, doctor, John, Beth, Margaret Axe (mother-in-law).
Place: Exeter/two houses/hospital/ hospital chapel.
Time: hoy (hasta dos días después).
Clímax: escena en el hospital.
Problema: bigamia
Solución: amistosa
Tensión: realización de su situación.
Temas: rivalidad, celos, frustración, dolor, decepción, compasión, pena.
En parejas debemos repartirnos los posibles personajes y escenas.
BEGINNING: Two houses. There is a phone call / dead scene.
MIDDLE: Hospital scene. Funeral planning goes wrong.
END: Spa with bar
La actividad consistió en escribir las escenas y dramatizarlas. Esta es una de las escenas:
Two wives and children are tthere.
- The funeral manager asks who the wife is and both reply.
Funeral Manager.- Let's discuss the details. How would you like the coffin?
Wife 1.- A simple wood coffin.
Wife 2.- He deserves the best one. A big oak coffin with golden angels and velvet inside, exactly as in Dracula's movies.
Wife 1.- No way!
Funeral Manager.- Take your time, think it over. Now, what about the music?
Wife 1.- Just quiet classical music.
Child 1.- Mummy, daddy loved folk music with a band; can we have a band playing his favourite song?
Wife 2.- Of course, darling!
Funeral Manager.- Ok ladies, take your time, think it over.
Mother-in-law (direct to the Funeral Manager).- I came to arrange the details of my son's funeral.
Funeral Manager.- His wives are already dealing with it.
Mother-in-law.- His wives?? My son was single!!!
Wife 1 and Wife2.- You never knew him. These are your grandchildren. Say hello to your granny!
Mother-in-law suffers a heart attack and collapses.
Funeral Manager.- Now, another funeral. Now everything is solved you can have both styles: one simple and one musical funeral.
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