Ejercicio sobre lectura correcta de las acentuaciones en las palabras para entonar correctamente las frases en este LIMERICK de Edward Lear.

8a There was a young lady whose chin

8a Resembled the point of a pin

6b So she had it made sharp

6b And purchased a harp

8a And played several tunes with her chin

(to learn by heart/by rote)

Nuestra siguiente tarea fue realizar limericks con nuestros nombres. Mi nombre es difícil y tuve que hacer trampa (pronunciando China como en español):

There once was a lady called JOAQUINA

who wanted to travel to China.

She didn't have enough money

So she sold her poney

And then she went to Argentina. 

  • Mi compañera Petra, de Eslovaquia, hizo este:

There once was a lady called PETRA

who sand in the New York orchestra.

But she lost her voice, 

It wasn't her choice. 

So she must be replaced by Esther. 

  • El de Jarska, de Letonia:

There once was a lady called Jar,

who wanted to travel so far. 

She went to the station 

with less or no patience.

And missed the only one train to Gibraltar. 

  • El de Pilar, de Alzira:

There was a lady called Pilar

who had never seen a gorilla.

She feared to visit a zoo, 

and soon was given a boo. 

Poor Pilar! She'll never come back to Manila.

  • Anita, de Hungría:

A lady whose name was Anita, 

wanted somebody to meet her. 

She couldn't find her purse

but a helpful nurse

Phoned her host whose was Benita. 

  • Ewa, también de Hungría: 

There once was a lady called Ewa, 

who dropped all her money in the Neva. 

But she made up her mind, 

that she'd always be kind, 

and she wouldn't be sad forever. 

  • Ann, la última húngara:

there once was a lady called Ann

who slept every night in a can. 

But one day she thought

she might move to a cot. 

Unfortunately it turned out no fun!


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