Petrelius is an educational technologist and biology teacher who is very
concern about the worries teachers have regarding the use of technology in
class. She is sure that somehow society makes us believe that everything was
better at old times and maybe teachers are afraid of changes and worried about
their possible mistakes and lacks in this field.
We teachers
are continuously asked to implement new technologies in our lessons, to
integrate their use in the curriculum but, hang one, what are new technologies?
Or even better, new technologies for whom? Technology is technology only for
those born before technology. Would we consider flushing a toilet technology?
It may have been technology at a time, but is not consider so any more. The
same happens with the use of tablets or social network. Most of our students
were born after the invention of these ‘new technologies'. So they use them as
natural tools for their development, their communication and, in the end, for
their daily life.
However, we
still force them to use the technology that maybe was new at our childhood, or
even our grandparents' time. If almost every single aspect in our society has
changed, why do we still teach in the same way teachers used to teach when they
needed to educate people to work in line manufacturing factories two hundred
years ago? Maybe our society, maybe the advancement of our society, is
demanding other types of citizens, with other skills and other ways of working
and organizing. Why are we education today's generations as if they were going
to live in the 19th century? As this got any connection with the
lack of motivation or the poor results many teenagers obtain?
Ok. It is
clear that a change must be done. A deep change that definitely will have an
impact in our present and future. The question now would be, what are the best
tools, software or apps we should use and integrate. Unfortunately (or
actually, luckily), technology progresses much quicker than our minds can think
about. According to Petrelius, there is not a perfect device or app. Our aim as
teachers is to teach with and use as many different ones as possible to make
students FLEXIBLE (again this idea of flexibility so recurrent in Finland) and
able to change for one app or one gadget to another and to use them with
instinct because in THEIR future they will probably be asked to use software
that does not even exist today.
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